Candidate Assistance

Aids for High School Students

The college/high school scholarship is a means-tested aid to(x) responsible for of a middle or high school student. The amount varies according to resources and expenses.


The scholarship can be increased in 3 situations: 

  • if the student has just obtained a mention in the Diplôme National du Brevet
  • and / or if it is internal
  • and/or if he/she has never received the equipment bonus

Attention to the time limits for filing the application

College students

The college scholarship simulator allows you to find out if your household is eligible for a national scholarship for the 2022-2023 school year. It allows you to obtain a personalized estimate of the amount for each child enrolled in college.

Access the college scholarship simulator

Additional information:

High school students

The high school scholarship simulator allows you to find out if your household is eligible for a national scholarship for the 2022-2023 school year. It allows you to obtain a personalized estimate of the amount for each child enrolled in high school.

Access the high school scholarship simulator

Information additional information :

Aid for students

You can apply for a higher education grant on social criteria (BCS).

Information and simulator at this address :

Attention to the time limits for filing the application

To apply for scholarships and housing, go to

Attention to the time limits for filing the application

Aid for apprentices

There are also a number of grants available for apprentices. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

Driver's license assistance here: https: //

A list of higher education grants is available here:

List of housing aids is available here :

For apprentices of landscape companies who are entering the validation year of their diploma:

Aid for 15-25 year olds

List of the aids financed by the Centre-Val de Loire Region is available here :

Back to School 2022 Aid List:

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