Practical information

Getting to the Campus


Mouillère Campus

66 avenue de la Mouillère

45100 Orléans

Access from outside

  • La Mouillère is located 10 minutes from the train and bus stations
  • 100 meters from the Tramway line A - "Mouillère" stop
  • By car:
    • 200 meters from the RD 2020
    • 15 minutes from the A10 and A71 freeways

Accommodation for our students

La Mouillère offers 2 specific accommodation arrangements for its students/apprentices on its site from Sunday evening to Friday (closed on weekends, during the summer and part of the school vacations):

Quality educational support is offered for both devices:

  • Study and rest rooms
  • Regular animations
  • Sports hall
In the boarding school and the accommodation, you will find rooms with 4 beds and individual desks and cupboards for each resident.

The boarding school - 92 places :

Intended for students and apprentices who are minors.

Hours: the boarding school is open from 6:00 pm to 7:30 am

Accommodation - 36 places:

For students and apprentices in higher education.

Hours: The accommodation is freely accessible with personal badges. The last gate closes at 22:00.


Design sans titre (5)

The Campus la mouillère has a collective catering service to allow a quality food hygiene to our students. They can benefit from this service as half boarders or full boarders for our boarders. We are committed to offering varied and balanced menus. For this reason, we have chosen Convivio as our catering provider. Convivio's value is to promote short circuits and local producers for a more responsible catering. For this reason, the school's market garden production is integrated into the dishes offered to the students. Finally, it is also essential for us to fight against food and energy waste.

Our garden center

The campus garden center is a sales area open to the public and allows the application of different educational aspects of our training: production, realization, creation, advice and sales. 

You will find for sale, in moderate quantities 

  • Fruits and vegetables in season
  • Herbs and aromatic bouquets
  • Flowers and plants (green, succulent, perennial)
If you wish to enjoy local and seasonal products from our harvests, park in our parking lot (4 rue Basse Mouillère, 45100 Orléans) or get off at the Mouillère tramway station.
Opening hours : 
  • Wednesday, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Friday, from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

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