Orientation and Reconversion

Discovery courses
Each year, La Mouillère offers a Professional Discovery Internship for young people wishing to go into the following professions
- Landscape Gardener
- Horticulturist
- Florist
A turnkey solution that allows us to welcome any student over the age of 14 who wishes to immerse themselves in the daily life of our establishment and get a close-up view of what their job will be like tomorrow.
- Professional supervision by a teaching team that is 100% dedicated to the participating students
- A global and practical discovery (workshops) of the Landscape, Horticulture and Floristry professions
- A maximum number of participants of about ten students per course allowing an individualized follow-up
- The duration of the internship can be adjusted according to the constraints of the candidate's institution in case of exams or other possible deadlines
- Half-board catering provided by our establishment (collective restaurant on site)
- The possibility of full board in our accommodation (flat rate for families)
- An individual internship assessment with guidance in orientation
- Contact our Development Department on 02 38 22 60 80
- Inform the student's school about his or her wish to participate in one of our internships
- Compléter le formulaire d’inscription ici
- Confirm the student's participation by sending an internship agreement
A prévoir :
Provide the mandatory safety equipment for the practical work:
- Safety shoes
- Gants de jardinage / chantier
- Vêtements de travail / chantier
- Rainwear / warm clothing
- 1 couette ou duvet
- 1 drap housse matelas 1 personne
- 1 oreiller
- Affaires de change / toilette + claquettes
- Du 11 au 13 mars (Paysage, Art floral et Horticulture)
- Du 25 au 26 mars (Paysage et Horticulture)
- Du 29 au 30 avril (Art floral et Horticulture)
- Du 13 au 14 mai (Paysage et Horticulture)
-> Inscription ici
Ces stages se déroulent de 9h à 17h.
Do not hesitate to contact us even if no dates are convenient.
L’internat est possible sous réserve du nombre de places et à partir du 1er jour de stage à 9h00. Tarification à venir.
High School
The "Voie Scolaire" is the best known system. The student follows the courses at the Lycée Privé du Campus la Mouillère for both theory and practice. The Campus is located in the city center but has a landscaped area of 4 hectares.
The student benefits from internship period(s) during the year and school vacations. Part of the school vacations can be allocated to the internship (see section calendars). It is also possible on certain cycles, to do the internship abroad.
For high school, tuition fees exist, a scholarship is possible subject to criteria (see financingsection ).
To apply, click here.
L’apprentissage est un dispositif de formation qui permet de suivre par alternance des périodes de formation en entreprise / organisme public et en centre de formation d’apprentis (CFA) ; en signant au préalable un contrat d’apprentissage.
Fort de ses 75 ans d’expérience, le Campus La Mouillère vous propose de vous accompagner dans la recherche de votre Maître d’Apprentissage ou de votre futur(e) apprenti(e).
Would you like to be accompanied in your search?
Click here for future employers
Vous souhaitez en savoir davantage sur les financements ? sur les aides aux candidats ?
To apply, it is here !
You can find more information on this web page
Adult education
Long Term Training
Different financial schemes (under conditions) allow adult candidates to access a training action in our establishment in order to train and/or retrain:
- Funding from the Centre Val de Loire Region (for BTSA AP and GEMEAU)
- The skills development plan
- Professional Transition Project (PTP)
- Other possible measures: PSE, AIF
See the section how to finance your training
Our strengths:
- Validation of knowledge / skills in professional situations
- An individualized follow-up
- Partnerships with companies and school projects for concrete situations
- Internship periods for more professional experience
To apply, it is here !
You can find more information on this web page
Short course
You want to train on a specific topic to develop your skills? Campus La Mouillère offers short courses (between 1 and 5 days).
Some examples of short courses:
- The floral art tableware
- Knowledge and recognition of plants
- Differentiated management of green spaces
- First Aid at Work Training
You will find more information about the short course at this section.