Apprenticeship tax

Apprenticeship tax
Each year, our campus trains students in the fields of Floral Art, Landscape, Horticulture, Environment and Water Management.
We are constantly adapting to develop skills and support the talents of tomorrow: online educational platform, digital investments, technical platforms and international mobility.
Our training courses are closely linked to sustainable development and environmental issues.
Therefore, if you wish to support us, we invite you to allocate your "Taxe d'Apprentissage" to Campus La Mouillère. Our institution is authorized to collect your balance of the apprenticeship tax.
The partnerships of the Mouillère Campus / Companies are notably concretized by :
- the realization of missions for companies by students in internships and within the framework of educational projects;
- recruitment of young graduates;
- the organization of conferences, continuing education courses, seminars;
Paying your apprenticeship tax to Campus la Mouillère is an investment in future qualified employees
Choose La Mouillère Campus
Nouveauté 2025
Vous vous apprêtez à vous acquitter de la Taxe d’Apprentissage pour l’année 2025 et la procédure change.
En 2025, les employeurs effectuent la déclaration et le paiement du solde de la taxe d’apprentissage auprès de l’Urssaf Caisse nationale et de la MSA sur la DSN d’avril 2025 (exigible le 5 ou 15 mai 2025).
The latter then pay the amounts collected to Caisse des Dépôts.
Ensuite, les employeurs doivent se connecter à la plateforme SOLTEA et désigner le Campus La Mouillère comme bénéficiaire.
To access SOLTEA, it is necessary to request an authorization on the Net-entreprises platform.